The research concluded that exercises which are mediated by caregivers are instrumental in improving the health of people living with stroke and that the financial burden to the caregivers was not high. The research found out that body functions such as walking, standing and flexing muscles improved after interventions involving caregivers. Moreover, caregivers were not reported to have been negatively affected by their involvement in these interventions because their routines were slightly affected and they did not incur more costs. |
Outline evidence-based solutions that you will consider for your project.Some of the solutions I will consider for my project will include introduction of mobile phone applications to help stroke patients monitor their exercises and coordination of muscles and body functions during their regular exercises. Patients using these applications will be able to tell if their health and limb coordination is improved by exercises. Discuss any limitations to the studies that you believe impacts your ability to utilize the research in your project.Studies conducted to determine how mediated exercises are important in achieving patient outcomes have included few trials and reviews and as such, the evidence given may not be entirely objective. Interpretation of the data, therefore, should be done cautiously. |
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Practice Issue Worksheet
List the topic and include the citation for the systematic review you have selected from our approved list (optional: an additional scholarly source of support):The topic of the research is: Effectiveness of Video Discharge Instructions in reducing Hospital Readmissions. The systematic review used is titled: Kripalani, S., Theobald, C., Anctil, B., & Vasilevskis, E.(2014). Reducing hospital readmission: Current strategies and future directions. Annual Review Of Medicine, 65(1), 471-485. doi: 10.1146/annurev-med-022613-090415 The research has also used an additional source titled: Aromataris, E. & Pearson, A. (2014). The systematic review: An overview. AJN, 114(3), 53-58. |
What is the nursing practice issue you have identified related to the topic you have chosen?There has been an increase in hospital readmissions in healthcare and one of the reasons for this phenomenon is how discharge instructions are administered to patients before they leave health facilities. |
Fully describe the scope of the practice issue:The research is limited to addressing issues related to how patients admitted in cardiac units of health facilities receive their discharge instructions. Particularly, the study observes that the most common means of instruction are verbal and written, and it seeks to observe the effectiveness of giving discharge instructions through video. |
What is the practice area?___ Clinical __ ✔ Education ___ Administration ___ Other (List): |
How was the practice issue identified? (check all that apply)___ Safety/risk management concerns _ ✔ Unsatisfactory patient outcomes ___ Wide variations in practice ___ Significant financial concerns |
___ Difference between hospital and community practice ___ Clinical practice issue is a concern ___ Procedure or process is a time waster ___ Clinical practice issue has no scientific base __ Other: |
Describe the rationale for your checked selections:Increase in readmission rates of patients led to the realization that the mode of delivering discharge instructions was not satisfactory or was not effective. It was observed that when instructions were given through verbal and written means, the patients were more likely to be readmitted in healthcare facilities. This means that patient outcomes were not satisfactorily realized when these instruction methods were used. |
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